Clinical Trial 46083

Kansas City, KS 66160


As part of the Parkinson’s community, we are committed to providing you with information and options which may help aid you in your fight against Parkinson’s disease (PD). Recently, a new clinical research study for people with early- stage PD – called PROSEEK – began enrolling study participants, and we wanted to share that information with you.

Seeking Progress to Potentially Help Slow Disease Progression
The PROSEEK Study is a clinical research study evaluating a once-daily, oral investigational drug designed to potentially help slow disease progression in people with early-stage PD.

You may be eligible to participate if you:

  • Are 50 years of age or older
  • Have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease with symptoms beginning in the past 3 years
  • Have not have taken medication for the treatment of Parkinson's disease for more than 30 days at any time in the past

About the Investigational Drug The investigational drug is designed to block a specific enzyme (biological molecules that help to accelerate chemical reactions in the body) called “Abl.” Research has shown that overactivation of Abl may play a role in Parkinson’s disease progression. Therefore, by limiting or blocking Abl, it may be possible to help to slow PD progression. Please note: the investigational drug is not approved by Health Authorities including The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease or any other disease.

Study Overview
Study participants will attend at least 12 study visits over a period of approximately ten months. Study participation is made up of three types of study visits:

  • Screening Visit(s) (at least 1 visit): During this time, the study doctor and study staff a number of tests, assessments, and procedures to determine if potential participants are fully eligible to participate.
  • Study Treatment Visits (10 visits|40 weeks): During these visits, study participant will receive their assigned study drug. In addition, the study doctor will continue to conduct study-related tests, assessments, and procedures to monitor the health of study participants and to gather data to help determine the effects (if any) of the investigational drug.
  • Follow-up Visit (1 visit): Study participants will return to the study location four weeks after the final Study Treatment Visit for final study-related tests, assessments, and procedures.

All study-related care – including study visits, tests & assessments, and study drugs – will be provided at no cost to you. In addition, reimbursement for study-related travel expenses (e.g., parking, tolls, gas) may also be available.

Clinical trials are medical research studies designed to test the safety and/or effectiveness of new investigational drugs, devices, or treatments in humans. These studies are conducted worldwide for a range of conditions and illnesses. Learn more about clinical research and participating in a study at About Clinical Trials.